Frequently Asked Questions

What is the most important thing to do when laying tile?

When laying tiles, a thorough inspection is vital and it enables spotting the dips and cracks which may later on create hindrances in the process of installation of the tiles. Usage of the water-resistant cement is also vital to ensure the proper installation.

What are the first things you do when you take up a painting job?

The professional painters initially before taking up a painting job, make a clear note about three things: budget, preferred shade and the particular areas where the coats of paint are going to be added. Even a painter must also confirm with the clients about the deadline of the job.

What is the duty of an interior decorator?

From interior decor to the artwork, the team of professional interior decorators are accountable for the selection of the furniture and making a space functional as well as aesthetically pleasing. In addition to that, the team of interior decorators are also greatly responsible for procuring quality items from a credible supplier base. Besides, the main duty of an interior decorator lies in managing all the requirements of the clients within the given budget.

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